Artificial intelligence in business
Artificial intelligence in business combines knowledge of machine learning and intelligence of data processing with management knowledge about enterprises and in society. Data Science and Business Analytics studies in UMCS prepares graduates to work in organizations that use artificial intelligence in their management systems and understand the benefits camming from advanced data analysis. A graduate of this study combines knowledge and skills of business management, team building, inter-organizational cooperation, and macro-economic processes with techniques of artificial intelligence systems design and application into enterprises. The program of the study includes business phenomena measurement as well as the assessment of the information quality obtained now and in future, the possibility of its in analytical processes, and the needs of acquiring a new knowledge from it for effective decision-making process.

Artificial intelligence in decision-making processes
Behind the interdisciplinary combination of all areas, data engineering, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and business processes constitute the essence of the modern management concept. Data use in effective analysis enables magic forces of accurate interpretation business and social phenomenon. The results obtained in this way provide recommendations that are useful from a business from different points of view. Managers of today’s market demand in-depth knowledge of the business processes supported by artificial intelligence methods as limitless ability of business development. Graduates of Data Science and Business Analytics UMCS will use the methods of ML and AI to build an advantage over competitors based on data and modern management.
Artificial intelligence as a modern market partnership
Thanks to this combination of competencies, the graduate of DS and BA UMCS will actively implement the process of AI in management with the support of in-house teams of experts as well as with cooperation with external partners. Working together they can significantly improve the quality of business management, pricing, logistics and other spheres of enterprise’s specialization. DS/BA UMCS graduate’s specific competences enables to utilize full potential of AI applications in enterprises.
Education program in brief
With the support of UMCS’s professors and partners’ specialists, you will be studying how is functioning the modern enterprises, what are the organizational processes, logistics, marketing, customer relationship management, finance, and accounting. What are the sources of information in the company, what data they provide? How to obtain them. How to present and use this data in decision-making processes. You will learn mathematical and statistical foundations necessary to understand and build artificial intelligence-based processes. Among other things, you will study machine learning, big data, text data processing, deep learning, feature extraction, search, and classification. You will also practice implementation of machine learning and artificial intelligence methods to solve business problems, as industrial diagnostics, research and modeling of consumer behavior, econometric and financial forecasting, logistics or decision-making support in marketing, programming in Python and R, working with databases and data sheets, project management and team-based cooperation.
A detailed schedule of classes can be found here for Business Analitics and here for Data Science.