What is the difference between a practical and a general profile of the study program?
/in Blog, Business Analitycs, Data Science /by Mieczysław PawłowskiWhen embarking on your educational journey, it’s crucial to comprehend the distinctions between a practical and a general academic profile. These profiles offer unique approaches to learning and have varying requirements for your diploma thesis. Let’s delve into the key disparities between the two and what they entail for students. In a practical profile, the […]
Data analysis methods – lectures from visiting professor
/in Blog, Business Analitycs /by Mieczysław PawłowskiThe focus of business analytics has shifted from monitoring various metrics to supporting managerial decisions. Modern managers base their strategic decisions on insights from data science. This emerged data driven KPIs and measurability of success in new way. Data analytics started to play the role of the company success predictor and creator of the way […]
Artificial intelligence in business
/in Blog, Business Analitycs, Data Science /by Mieczysław PawłowskiArtificial intelligence in business combines knowledge of machine learning and intelligence of data processing with management knowledge about enterprises and in society. Data Science and Business Analytics studies in UMCS prepares graduates to work in organizations that use artificial intelligence in their management systems and understand the benefits camming from advanced data analysis. A graduate […]
Do you love numbers?
/in Blog, Business Analitycs /by Mieczysław PawłowskiNumbers practicality Of course, you do. Of course, because You are pretending to be a professional analyst. How do you understand numbers? What numbers do you think when you are considering studying Business Analytics in UMCS Lublin? How far is it? 3 456 km or 2 147.5 miles. Is it far or close? Can you […]
Business statistics
/in Blog, Business Analitycs /by Mieczysław PawłowskiStatistical concepts in business The purpose of the lectures is to present selected statistical concepts and tests used in modern business. Statistics has become a crucial tool for modern companies that use data to make optimal decisions related to investment, process optimization, marketing management, human resources etc. Both primary and secondary data can be used […]
Introduction to economics
/in Blog, Business Analitycs /by Mieczysław PawłowskiFundamental terms and problems of modern economics The main aim of the course is to acquaint students with fundamental terms and problems of modern economics and to convey knowledge about concepts pertaining to microeconomics and macroeconomics, as well as key elements of current debates regarding innovativeness, competitiveness, globalization, and role of the government in the […]
Introduction to commerce law
/in Blog, Business Analitycs /by Mieczysław PawłowskiThe subject The subject of the lecture will be to familiarize students with the concept of law (with an indication of the departments and disciplines), legal provisions and legal norms. The principles of constructing and exegesis of a legal text will be presented. In addition, the concepts of legal capacity, legal capacity, judicial and procedural […]
Get to know UMCS – sports facilities | Let’s meet at UMCS
/in Business Analitycs, Data Science, students /by Agnieszka GryglickaIn a healthy body, healthy mind – check how we train at UMCS.
Introduction to management
/in Blog, Business Analitycs /by Mieczysław PawłowskiTalents and skills Today’s uncertain economic and social dynamics are leading companies to seek the sort of human talent that will help them to survive and thrive. Training demands are thus arising for specific skills and competencies that would make current students and employment seekers more employable. The aim of this course is to identify […]